frntlne Interactive
Learning Methodology (FILM)
Research-backed and evidence-based to maximise learning outcomes.
Effective Teaching Strategies
FILM draws multiple research-based strategies together to craft an interactive teaching methodology, immersing learners in core product knowledge and concepts. This model includes short bursts of information, leveraging repetition and video content.

Learning On Demand
FILM is delivered via an online learning platform optimised for all devices i.e. smartphones, laptop and desktop computers. Employees log into their personalised learning environment, and manage and engage in their own learning pathway, wherever and whenever suits them best.

Designed By Experts
Our methodology was designed in collaboration with Dr. David Isaacson, a professional learning designer who specialises in the application of Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) in education design.

An Immersive Method
Lively, conversational video scripts in accessible language repeat and reinforce key learning concepts, using a range of multimedia formats such as video, audio, graphics and interactive questions.